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Welcome to DLIGR

A unique educational experience striving for sound Biblical instruction from K-12.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."  Psalm 119:105

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Our Responsibility

Concerning our children the Lord says in His Word: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Especially in the years of childhood the mind is receptive to impressions which stay with the child all its life, and even in old age they do not disappear. And even though the days are dark and even though indifference is  rampant with many, this does not take away that God’s Word which is taught at the schools, does not fail to make impressions in the hearts which, even in the climbing of the years, are still remembered. For that reason it is all the more needful for us to be zealous for such instruction as is in agreement with the doctrine of our forefathers. Let not what is new enamor us, but the sound, old doctrine.

Rev. G.H. Kersten

Our Dependence

But in the inner chamber I had to surrender unto God and I have come to agree with God. He said, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.’ They did not bring the children in Jesus, not from Jesus, but they brought the little children unto Jesus. O, that holy art, to learn not to bring our condemnable children to the world, not to sin – from Jesus; and also not to a jolly Christendom – in Jesus; but, in the way of the means, unto Jesus.

Rev. J. Fraanje

Home: Our Programs

Self-paced Education Program

At DLIGR, we have chosen a self-paced learning program for core curriculum. This is a full K-12 program that we believe places the focus where it needs to be in a learning environment: learning mastery.  The goal: learning becomes the constant and time spent becomes the variable.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Bible Instruction


Core Curriculum



The true core of the curriculum

Through in-person instruction and self-paced learning, we strive to educate our children in the truths of God's Holy Word (King James Version), and according to Netherlands Reformed denominational doctrine as expressed in the Three Forms of Unity: the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dordt, and the Heidelberg Catechism.

A Unique Approach

The learning program splits up each course into individual packets called PACES.  Students complete a set number of PACES per course each quarter, at their own pace.  Mastery of the subject is gained prior to moving to the next PACE.

Real Life

Additional electives offer our students some variety, away from book learning.  From culinary arts, to auto repair, woodworking, photography and second languages, we provide our students learning opportunities to gain practical, real-life skills.


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Contact Us

35 Hillcrest St, Coopersville, MI 49404

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 19

Coopersville, MI  49404

(616) 384-5800

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